
Simplifying means loving yourself

14 February, 2018

A love letter to myself (and to anyone who needs to hear it today) on how reflection and simplifying are some of the most important actions to help you realise what you’d like your life to be made up of. And a way to love yourself:

The longer I walk on this planet, the more desire I have for simplifying.

Simple apartment (without clutter, beautiful, minimalistic “me-luxury” – everything I need and use, the exact things I want, and nothing more).

Simple clothes (my partner calls it “non-uniform uniform” – being able to pull almost any pair of trousers and any blouse to go with it and the resulting outfit working well together. And I’ll add to that not having clothes that you don’t love and therefore don’t wear, which usually also means just a few items of each kind that you’d happily pack with you if your luggage size was restricted).

Simple living (NOT having an enormous list of errands and things that I should “get to” one day. My plate every day is full enough, I don’t need to add to it – which means learning to say “no” to errands before they even come up, batching and eliminating things that don’t matter).

Simple relationships (a few good quality conversations are more important to me than cocktail parties full of small talk. Sometimes you’ve got to choose who you want to surround yourself with to be able to also have time to nurture yourself, instead of going to places and occasions that don’t float your boat, out of obligation).

Simple loving (give love freely and without expectations. Including to yourself. Especially to yourself. Forgive. Including yourself. Especially yourself. You’re bound to appear an inch or two taller – unburdened by the heavy weight of resentment).

The longer I walk on this planet, the more desire I have for love.

Love for my home (everything I need and use, the exact things I want, and nothing more).

Love for my expression
(pulling almost anything out of the closet and knowing it will feel good).

Love for my lifestyle
(freedom to say ‘no’ to things that don’t matter).

Love for my people
(good conversations, no obligations).

Love for my love
(deeply and completely loving and accepting yourself, no matter what).

The longer I walk on this planet, the more desire I have for simply loving myself.

What are your most important pieces that make up your life? Do you agree? Is simplifying a way to love yourself for you too? Leave a comment below and let’s have a conversation!

And if this sparked something for you, share it with those you love with one of the social media buttons. <3

Till next time,


Simplifying means loving yourself. Click here to read more:

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  1. Anja says:

    I love your writing so much girlfriend!! Do more of it please ❤️And I deeply resonate with this. I’m going through a similar phase of simplifying my life and I love how you link it to self-love.

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