
Create a feeling of starting fresh to add MAGIC to your days

create a feeling of starting fresh to add MAGIC to your days

1 December, 2020

In an old tradition, when December comes, we prepare, reflect and wait for Christmas.

I’m not one for religion, but in a spiritual sense it makes me completely excited, from-the-inside-out, to set some time aside at the end of the year to reflect, recharge, take stock of our learnings and inspire ourselves for what’s to come.

Because if we create our reality (which we do), then we might as well review our creation plan, and check if we’re still on course or if we need to change plans, adjust the maps, or set a completely new destination.

This year has been nothing if not a reminder to check inwards and see if the goals we have, the things that we call important, really are what we want and, well, important.

So I’m setting myself a challenge (which I invite you to join me), to every day from today till Christmas, take a moment away from the busy go-go-go daily life, and instead let yourself FEEL. Feel all the things. The bad and the good. The pushed aside, and what’s been wanting to come out. The joy and the what-it-really-takes TO feel joy. ❤️

I want to inspire myself (and you, if you choose to join me), to not just skip over the many changes that this year brought, but to integrate what needs to be learnt from it, shed what’s ready to be left behind, and infuse the space created with joy, excitement and inspiration of your choosing (aka December Magic!).

Starting your December Magic today from a simple task:

Where in your life/in your surroundings can you do something small that creates a sense of starting fresh? It can be symbolic, it can be small, but it needs to be started and finished today (so take into account whatever your plans are for the day).

Rather than Marie-Kondo-ing your whole house, is your working area needing a little tidying? Is your desktop full of files and icons that could use some organising? So that you can set a nice new desktop image with some Christmassy-wintery view? Changing fresh sheets and towels? Whatever comes to you as “oooh, I could use THIS to make me feel like I’m starting this month fresh” – do that.

I’ve just tidied some papers on my desk and (ekhm ekhm) shaved my legs 😂

On an energetic level, we’re attracting new fresh energy – in whatever form you fill inspired to let it in by letting go of an old mess somewhere. 🙂

Are you in for the challenge? You can follow December Magic (1st-24th Dec) by signing-up for daily email reminders with your joyful advent inspiration right to your inbox here.

December can be a magical time… if we let it, I believe it can be magical even in 2020. So hop on and let’s make some magic. ✨✨✨

Kat xx - signature 150px

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