
The first step to get what you want (whether that’s happiness, your Dream Home or anything else)

3 December, 2015

Have you ever taken a taxi and told the driver to “just drive”, without giving them a destination?


I didn’t think so.

But now think about how many times you said you’d like to “have”, or “be” or “experience” certain things, without really being specific on what it is EXACTLY that you desire (=specific destination)?

We’ve all been there and I’m no exception.

“I want to be successful.”

“I want to be wealthy.”

“I want to be happy.”

“I want to have a beautiful home.”

Have you ever wished for any of those?

But what does that mean TO YOU exactly?

How to get what you want in life

I bet you could be perceived as successful by many other people who have not accomplished what you’ve accomplished (whatever it might be. For Goodness’ sake, there are still people who can’t read and you’re reading this, so you’re very successful by that measure).

Do you know how many people in this world live for under a dollar a day? More than one billion. Do you earn more than $30 a month? You’re wealthy and there are many more stats to prove that.

You want to be happy, you say? If you’re healthy and you have people around you who you love and who love you – that’s a whole lot of happiness right there. So what is it that you meant by “be happy”?

And finally, the beautiful home. Everyone’s perception of what is beautiful will be different. I have purple walls in my office right now and I’m planning on changing them. But I bet that there are many people who have been staring at white walls for years and they would SO want to have purple walls for a change.

See what I mean?

And PLEASE, do not misunderstand me. I am not trying to make you feel bad and there’s no need to start comparing yourself to other people (either those who have what you seem to want or those who want what you have). But for the sake of all things Christmassy (it’s my almost-all-year-long obsession), do think about your destination.

Be specific. To get what you want, first take time to write down what it is. In detail. And maybe even make a dream board to remind you of where you’re going.

And if you do this, you’ll see how opportunities and solutions start appearing in your life. It’s not magic. It’s just that we see what we’re looking for. (And if you’ve ever wanted to buy a specific car, you’ll know what I mean, because suddenly your dream car becomes the car you see everywhere you go.)

If you don’t know what you want, you can’t know what you need to get what you want.

So be clear.

Set specific intentions for how you want your life, your happiness and your home to look like. And watch how it all falls into place.


Take 20 minutes this weekend and set 3 specific goals for what you want and describe them in more detail. You can do this digitally or in your journal. Either way, you want your 3 desires to be specific and clear on what this means TO YOU.


And now I would love to hear from you: have you ever set clear intentions on what it is you want? Did it become easier to make those things come true?
If you have never done this before, what it the number 1 thing that you now know you need to clarify for yourself?
Leave a comment below.

And if you enjoyed this article, I would really appreciate it if you could share it with your friends.

Here’s to being really clear on what you want and making it come true,

Kat xx - signature 150px

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