Here's to Inspiration for a beautiful life

Why is the blog not about Facebook ads? Frankly, writing content on ads simply does not interest me. AND (lucky for you!) it's also not something that would benefit you (it's not a written content kind of learning, you know?). If you want to learn about ads, join my free webinar and I will HAPPILY talk to you about your specific ads questions and I can EASILY show you your next steps and what you need to do. 

But here? Here I talk about growing your business and, more often than that, about growing as a human (as those are so intricately related).
My motto: be better not by doing more, but by being more. 
My wish for you: for all your dreams to come true. (Even if you don't believe that's possible yet.) Let's get started, shall we?

Blog (that's not all at all about ads)

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Are there times when you suffer from too many ideas – sort of an “ideas overload”? If you’re anything like me, when you feel energised and in the flow, your brain can be coming up with brilliant potential plans left and right. And while this can be great for any brainstorming sessions, in life and […]

Too many ideas? How to decide which ideas to execute – one simple guideline to simplify your decision-making process

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Luxury… what is luxury? Recently I coined a term minimalistic “me-luxury” – everything I need and use, the exact things I want, and nothing more. And it struck me that this concept was something that didn’t have just one known word to express it – it needed more words to be explained. And as such, […]

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A love letter to myself (and to anyone who needs to hear it today) on how reflection and simplifying are some of the most important actions to help you realise what you’d like your life to be made up of. And a way to love yourself:   The longer I walk on this planet, the […]

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There comes a time in our lives when we can no longer add more. You reach capacity and, short of outsourcing sleep to someone else (and wondering when will someone figure out how to achieve that), there’s just no way you can squeeze in a single other “thing” that will take up your energy. Be […]

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Rarely do we get such a simple answer to a question of how to live a better life as in this case. In a book that was otherwise talking about money, this sentence stood out to me as applicable to every area of our well-being: “The quality of your life depends on the quality of […]

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Joy is a choice. Whatever happens in your life, you always have a choice. You can choose to focus on the negative parts of your day, reliving the things that happened that you didn’t enjoy, assigning blames and wondering “why do bad things always happen to good people” (such a BS belief, btw). But then […]

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This is part 3 of a 4-part series on how to be happy more often in your life. If you’d like to start at the beginning, you can read all about how reminders of past misfortunes might be keeping you stuck in unhappiness in part 1 here, and all about how you can start collecting […]

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Goals, goals, goals… we can dream BIG and set them all, but once that’s done the real question becomes: how to be accountable to yourself? How to ‘make yourself’ actually take the actions that will help your big dreams and plans become reality? Accountability – your new best friend. If you’ve ever set a goal […]

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I used to think, as a little girl, that you make friends and those friends will stay with you forever. The prospect of growing with someone, sharing experiences and then at some point not having them by your side to witness each other’s lives had been SO hard to grasp. It didn’t help that one […]

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This is a story of entrepreneurial beginnings and what goes behind-the-scenes of starting a business, when you have BIG dreams, but the reality doesn’t quite reflect that yet. It is time I come out of my closet here… (and NO, it’s not what you think ;)) I’ve been in a bit of a creative cocoon […]






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About me

I help online entrepreneurs like you grow and scale your business with simple strategies, unwavering consistency and through finding the right kind of (new) audiences for your business.

I personally managed over $4.5million in ad spend for clients from various niches and now... 

This course is valued at $197, but I want to make it easy for you to join, so I'm currently testing selling it for only $9. (Price might go back up in the future.)
Don't let the price fool you - the course contents are super valuable AND you get one group call with me included!

Copy the tools I’m using with my 6- and 7-figure clients and check what software (that you might already have access to) you could be using to your advantage and for better (ads and otherwise) results.


Essential Toolkit to Grow and Scale your online business