
How to read more books consistently (the lazy way)

17 March, 2017

Do you want to read more books, but cannot find the time? Or are you just so busy that reading (whether for pleasure, personal growth or both) has vanished from your list of goals because you’ve given up the dream that you’ll ever even have the time?

Watch this episode to get inspired to start reading again, to read more or to read consistently. And, because it’s my show, I’ll show you how to do it “the lazy way”, because I ain’t got time to spend my whole days reading either.


Ok, so you want to be reading more. Aaaamazing. I love you already. Apparently, the time span of how long we’re able to concentrate for is rapidly decreasing with us just reading shorter posts, shorter headlines, skimming and: Just. Trying. To. Get. The. Gist.

But where is the beauty in that? How can you ever truly relax, OR how can you ever experience something new through what you’re reading if you’re constantly looking for the next thing to jump to with that ever-shortening attention span?

I might be sounding like my grandma here, but I am terrified to see how even the new posts as I publish them tell me whether I have a good “readability score”. And from what I’ve seen what it basically means is that every single sentence has to be its own paragraph. Because otherwise apparently two sentences for a paragraph might be too much for you to handle. ;)

So I’ll try to say what I’ve got to say today without adding unnecessary embellishments.

But not for “readability score’s” sake, of course, but rather so that you can get inspired to read more and then get started right away.

How do you read more, read when you don’t have time, OR even, read consistently? And how do you do it the “lazy way” that I mentioned?


With the invention of smartphones that have offered us a number of time-sucking activities within arm’s reach came also this wonderful development. (Followed by growth of the number of books available, read to you either by the author, OR by a different narrator.)

While listening to books narrated by someone else might not quite “feel” like reading, you’re still devouring the content of those books, whether your own eyes land on all the letters, words and sentences, or not.

And, don’t get me wrong. You don’t have to switch 100%. If part of your routine is reading a book at night time, or on the weekend, then carry on! You can still do THAT from a hard copy of a book. OR kindle. But what I’m talking about is incorporating audiobooks into your life, especially into activities that do not require a lot of active thinking.

Let’s take me as an example. I listen to audiobooks while walking, while commuting (whenever I do have to get somewhere, that is, because I actually work from home), then also while at a treadmill at the gym, or when doing the dishes, OR if I’m cooking alone. Or on a plane, or a train. Or if there is a long queue at the pharmacy.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, as you go about your day you’re bound to find activities that could be accompanied by listening to a book. And then all it takes is a pair of headphones and you can get started with, for example, a free trial at audible with an amazon account in no time at all. And you’re good to go.

Since implementing this system in March 2015 I’ve been able to read SP much more than ever before. AND, as a result, learn and grow. Now I actually volunteer to do the dishes ;)

And in case you have no idea where to start, start where I did.

The first book I listened to as an audiobook was ‘Playing Big’ by Tara Mohr. And I enjoyed it so much, that I’ve already listened to it again since then. As weird as this is going to sound, that book felt to me like a warm hug. So if you don’t know where to start, that’s a really great first audiobook. But of course, if you have a list of books waiting for you to “get to them one day”, pick one and just start listening.

Ok, how did I do with keeping things simple? Are you still with me? Great.

Then by now you’re hopefully feeling inspired to give this whole audiobook idea a go. It is a wonderful addition to any existing reading habits that you might have. And if you give this new way of experiencing books a try, even for just a week, I’m sure you’ll see how much more you’re able to read, without needing to magic-up any additional time in your normal schedule. Which is pretty magical in itself ;) And you no longer have to wait until a holiday to read those books that are on your must-read list.

Now, I’d love to hear from you. What book are you going to start from? I’d love to know what’s on your reading list, as I’m always on the lookout for something interesting and inspiring I can listen to next while doing all those things that we do on autopilot. Leave a comment below. I cannot wait to hear from you.

That’s all for today. Share this episode and this blog post with your friends with the the social media button of your choice, so that they too can start reading more and you’ll have all those great new books to talk about.

For more inspiring videos and articles to help you make YOUR dreams come true, leave your name and email below this post to get weekly notes from me directly to your inbox.

Thank you for watching and see you next week!


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