
How to attract inspiration

7 August, 2014

Are you ever stuck for inspiration and don’t know how to get started with a project? Be it home improvement or something completely different?

To this problem I say… take a trip!

And before you start thinking that you don’t have time or money for going on holiday right now, let me stop you and say: it can be a one day trip to somewhere close by! The point is to get out of your routine and become a tourist.

As a tourist, we look up and observe everything around us very carefully.

If we walk around just looking on our phones or trying to take the shortest “bestest” short-cut possible to get from A to B, we will inevitably miss all the beauty around us. And this happens daily.

If you want INSPIRATION to strike…. let it.

It’s that simple.

I’ll show you an example.

I’m currently on a trip myself (ok, it’s more of a long-awaited holiday, but my point still stands for one-day trips to some place in your neighbourhood) and while being on Malta I found myself in a deep fascination for.. their doors!

And it’s not some super-ultra-fascinating form of design that has drawn me to them. It’s not even that they are well preserved things of the past (because the paint is coming off everywhere as you’ll see in a moment)
…but I felt in love in simplicity of shape, repeated 3 times and in different hues.

That’s all.

And I find it really inspiring:

Malta beautiful doors inspiration Kat Bern
Yet, I am sure of one thing:
to someone who lives behind one of those doors, it’s probably natural, mundane, boring…

In the everyday life we pass some things without really looking up and noticing the beauty.

So here is my tip: be a tourist. Whether you go on a trip (which I do recommend, trips are fun and everybody deserves a rest!), or maybe just on your normal route to work… Think about what you’re passing by and let it inspire you.

I am already thinking about the best way to use the repetition of simple form in different colours in my designs.

Let yourself be inspired too. Then start asking yourself the most important questions.

In the comments below I would like for you to tell me about one simple thing that you observed, which you found truly inspiring. It could be literally anything. I can’t wait to hear about your inspirations!

Have fun with this and I’ll see you next week (from my regular, yet inspiring London suburb;]),

Kat xx

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