
I help online entrepreneurs like you grow and scale your business with simple strategies, unwavering consistency and through finding the right kind of (new) audiences for your business.

Hi, I’m Kat!
Facebook ads expert and marketing consultant.

real talk:

Whether you’ve run ads before and didn’t nail down the results, or it’s been a while since you last advertised and you don’t know where to (re)start now, or you’ve never done anything with ads but you know organic growth can be slow... then you’re in the right place.

I will take you by the hand and show you step by step how to set things up, how to run and optimise your ad campaigns and what you should (and shouldn’t) be doing so that your investment brings you back the well-deserved ROI, growth and even enjoyment :)

“With you FB ads start to be something playful, experimental and figureoutable.”

Gertrud Angerer Tschopp

“Your masterclasses are amazing!”

Anne Sasson

“After setting up 1 ad set with 2 ads for my workshop 12 days ago I’m really pleased to say it’s working and it was all worth the effort. I’ve had 109 likes, 16 shares and 14 comments. It’s ‘above average’, the cost is down to 2.92 per result and I’ve got 180 sign ups so far. Thank you Kat for your detailed explanations for beginners. I followed your videos step by step and finally feel like I’m starting to get my head around FB ads! 💪”

Anna Fox

I’ve also seen first hand what can trip up a campaign, what pitfalls to avoid and where focusing your energy will bring you the results that entrepreneurs daydream and journal about, but rarely see.

But I didn’t start that way!

After learning how to run basic Facebook ads for myself and having some success with list building and making my first course sale from a small launch, I admit I did not have the right mindset, nor the confidence to consistently scale that business.

But I did have all this FB ads knowledge and it seemed fun, so I started helping people with their ads, getting them great results.

Fast forward through a lot of clients, growing (both with my skills and my mindset) with each campaign, signing on people with bigger and bigger budgets and launches, after a while I realised that I do things differently than other ads managers and that my results speak for themselves.

I’ve run ads for 7+years, personally managing over $4million in ad spend for clients from various niches, resulting in over $27million in launches.

- Anna Ash, Marketing Director,
World Business & Executive Coach Summit

“Working with Kat was effortless and her work was critical to the success of our 7-figure launch. With nearly half (46% to be exact!) of revenue coming from Facebook ads, 39% of all opt-ins, and 564% ROI (yes, that’s the right number!), it’s easy to say that Kat is more than a ninja, she’s more than a superhero, she’s someone who knows what they are doing and gives her work her all.”

I love travel, sun and I'm OBSESSED with what it takes to make one's dreams come into reality :)

I’ve learnt a lot through the years about not only what makes an ad campaign work, but also what makes a business go to 6-, 7- or multiple 7-figures. And I inject all my work with all that knowledge and marketing consulting skills.

And here is where you come in.

For years I have gotten really good at running ads and knowing how to cleverly use them to help a business grow. But given that a day has only 24h, I could not take on all the clients that wanted to work with me.

Having no desire to build an ad agency, I decided to start teaching how to run ads, so that entrepreneurs can harness the power of ads themselves. I’ve worked with countless solo-preneurs, couples-preneurs and small-team businesses to help teach them how to use ads so that they can grow their business, get more clients and reach their goals.

Now I help entrepreneurs from all sorts of niches in my yearly program Facebook Ads Mastery. 

I continue to run ads daily, so any changes Facebook might be releasing, I always update my students inside the program. If you want to know what’s the best way to run ads for your business, Facebook Ads Mastery is where I share all of that. And my students are seeing their ads improve as soon as they start implementing my advice.


Join me live on Zoom and find out what are the essential ingredients of a highly profitable Facebook ads campaign. This is not just a passive webinar where I talk at you for an hour, but it’s an interactive session with live participation throughout, so join live to be able to ask and have your questions answered.

How to Make Your Facebook Ads Profitable

Free Live Webinar!

I LOVE everything to do with Christmas: snow, Christmas trees, Santa Claus, I always make my own advent calendar (it’s different every year) and celebrate the season by slowing down and reflecting - I love that way of ending the year.


I’m vegetarian, and love good food, but I can’t stomach any of those “pretend-meats” that have become so popular over the years. I’ve been a vegetarian since I was a teenager and I do not like the taste and feel of meat. Which means any travelling plans in my house start from a question “will Kat be able to eat there?” If you’ve got any recommendations for must-try vegetarian restaurants around the world, DM me on Insta!


My interior design passion (and degree) turned into a passion for browsing homes and apartments for sale in different parts of the world (I love dreaming about and planning where to go next!)


I’m a recovering perfectionist, my biggest turning point was realising that in my personal work I was jumping from project to project, not finishing anything not because of shiny object syndrome, but because if I didn’t finish things, then I didn’t have to face them being finished, perhaps, imperfectly. Thus never finishing became a way to avoid perfectionism issues.
Nowadays I stay away from that perfectionistic "if I don't finish something then it still has the potential to be perfect one day" thinking and energy.


about me

Some Things You Didn’t Know

This course is valued at $197, but I want to make it easy for you to join, so I'm currently testing selling it for only $9. (Price might go back up in the future.)
Don't let the price fool you - the course contents are super valuable AND you get one group call with me included!

Copy the tools I’m using with my 6- and 7-figure clients and check what software (that you might already have access to) you could be using to your advantage and for better (ads and otherwise) results.


Essential Toolkit to Grow and Scale your online business